are some more Project Boats that wooden boat enthusiasts like
us are
working on.
Seeing what others are managing to do is always a great inspiration.
And there are even more over the page
an Oakleaf 28 built by Sutton
and Smith in 1972.
Allan in Richmond, TX, is restoring a 1956 "Yellow Jacket" that he found in a barn.
is a 40 foot, 1929, cutter, She is now being restored by
Trevor in BC Canada.
29' Chris-Craft Cruiser has been completely stripped down,
wood has been bleached, sanded, stained and re-varnished.
Fish in the UK has just bought this 25ft old clinker fishing boat.
"Salty" is a 1960 Wooden Harkers Island Net Boat "on the Comeback" in North Carolina.
should Tim do with his late father's
1961 Skee Craft
runabout ?
He built his first PM 38 in 1962 when he was 19 years old.
“Carver Mariner” Drying
Out in Eastern Washington
State, having gotten Wet
in Seattle
Rosie, Dennis’ 14 ft runabout which needs a bit of work.
has just put a deposit his first boat ever, a 1963, 40', Owens Tahitian.
Tony, in Cooroibah Queensland OZ, is building a small Marine ply dinghy to his own design.
classic motor
yacht was built in 1960 and refitted in 2007.
We all love to see what other Wooden Boat Builders and Restorers are up to.
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