The 1940 Rhodes project

by jobi

Hello this is a first for me…

I already own a vintage fiberglass sailboat.

However, there’s something about wood that attracts me a lot…

This 40ft Rhodes design has found me when least expecting it…

I hope she will make a good partner in my upcoming voyages…

The reason I share on this site is that I am hopping some of you guys with more experience than me, will offer and share your expertise as I progress with this project…

Above are some photos as she is now.

Comments for The 1940 Rhodes project

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Aug 28, 2022
Did it every get restored?
by: Anonymous

I would be curious to know how this project worked out.

Jan 12, 2013
by: Steve Phillips

Just wanted you to know that I have a cousin in Brainard Minnesota that has been restoring a 1940 Rhodes sailboat.

I think he is in the 5th year of his restoration. It looks a lot like your boat.

If you would be interested in talking with him let me know and I can give you his phone number. My email is

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