DIY Wood Boat Link Library, a list of online links which I believe may be of interest to other Wooden Boat enthusiasts, they are not intended as recomendations.
They are, however all independent sites and I have no control over their content.
Marine Life Society of South Australia
These are just a few of the Associations, world wide, that are doing sterling work to promote the building, restoring and use of wooden boats.
The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association.
The Traditional Small Craft Association, Inc, USA .
The Scottish Coastal Rowing Association/
Back Yard Yacht Builder-Owners Association
The Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania
The Classic Yacht Association of New Zealand
Dinghy Cruising Association UK
Classic & Vintage Racing Dinghy Association, UK
These are just a few of the Boat Building Schools that I know of that teach Traditional Boat Building skills.
However, as I have no connection or experience of these schools theses are not recommendations, they are here merely for your interest.
Lyme Regis Boat Building Academy
International Boatbuilding Training College UK
This is a list of Blogs which I have found to be well written and interesting, I hope you do too.
They are not listed in any particular order.
Blog of the Cat Boat Silent Maid
Assisted Drifting a New Zealand blogger building an Ian Oughtred designed rowing skiff.
If you have a Wooden Boat friendly club that you feel should be included in the DIY Wood Boat link library please let me know.
The Chepstow and District Y / C, UK.
There are several forums besides the ones here at DIY Wood Boat where wooden boat enthusiasts can swap their experiences, and ask questions, theses are just a few.
The Back Yard Yacht Builder-Owners Association.
Wood Boat Link Library
I have no connection or experience of these Sail Training organizations they are not listed here as recommendations, they are here merely for your interest.
International Sail and Power Association
Royal Yachting Association (RYA)
Skippers Ticket Perth - Perth Boat School Australia
Sail Training International (Tall Ships Races)
About Wagemaker Wolverine Boats
Antique and Classical Boat Society
Australian Wooden Boat Association of Queensland
Scale plans must come with a full set of off-sets.
And anything you print out at home will most likely be A4 size, requiring even closer attention to those off-sets.
All scale plans require careful lofting before you even think of cutting out the finished parts.
Yostwerks - Kayak Building Manuals (search description=boat)
JEM Watercraft has some free plans here.
As with most of the links on this wood boat link library theses are here for your convenience, they are not necessarily recommendations.
The banner links are outlets with which DIY Wood Boat has an affiliate link; DIY Wood Boat receives a small commission on products bought through the links, which helps to cover the cost of hosting this website.
Anglia Stainless Ltd (incorporating Combwich Marine Enterprises) for Silicon Boronze Fastenings)
Boatbuilding Timber Supplies Supplier of sustainably produced local timber.
Point North UK for Sail Cloth and fittings
SML Marine Paints and Coatings
Traditional Boat Supplies
Fair Wind Fasteners for Silicon Bronze Wood Screws, Carriage Bolts, Nails
Glen-l. Boat plans and kits
Dudley Dix Yacht Designs Boat Plans and Kits
Clint Chase Boatbuilder Small boat Kits
JEM Watercraft boat and canoe plans
EZ-Xtend Boat Zippers and canvas repair.
Michael Storer Wooden Boat Plans
Thomasson Design on Canoes and Paddling Canoe and Kayak Plans
Vivier Boats Boat Plans and Kits