Playboy Runabout

by Jeff
(Lyon, France)


I am sorry for my bad English level. I'm From France.

I enjoy to make canoë on the rivers.

Last year, I wanted to build a wooden canoë.

Trying to find free plans, I found a boat plan called "Palyboy Runabout" and I said "that's what I m Going to build"

So... Here is the Boat. It's my first so I know there are many imperfections.

I put it into water next month.

I found a 1967 Evinrude Sportfour 60HP. It's a good nice antic engine.

The next one will be a cabin cruiser for my love and I.


Comments for Playboy Runabout

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Mar 03, 2017
Playboy boat plans
by: Anonymous

You can get plans for Playboy at They are free to download.

The original Plans can also be downloaded here.

Jan 05, 2017
by: Nicolae

Can you please tell me where did you get the blueprints for this beautiful boat because I am interested to do one for myself?

You can email me on my email address

Thank you, best wishes!

May 05, 2016
by: Barron

I think she is BEAUTIFUL !

Feb 15, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi Jeff, you mention a lot of imperfections but she looks spot on to me.

If you enjoyed doing it and she floats the effort is well worth while.

I think that you have done a brilliant job for a first try.

Imagine how good the next one will be.
Happy sailing.

Feb 15, 2016
seats and windshield
by: jeff

I just modify seats because on the plans, the front ones are really to near from the dashboard.

The Playboy was at his origins build for a tiller.

If you want to instal a steering wheel you have to build diferents seats.

As I wanted an antique but modern boat, I did not build the wooden windshield but an aluminium one.

I must now sand again the varnish and put other coats because It's not verry nice.

Feb 15, 2016
by: Mike

Wow elle a l'air superbe!

Feb 15, 2016
how can I send pictures ?
by: jeff


I tryed to send pictures when I post but they have not been taken ? How can I do ?

Feb 15, 2016
by: Mike

Hi Jeff,

Your English is better than my French.

We would love to see some photos of her.

Cliquez ici pour envoyer des photos directement à moi.



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