Lady Ada

by Samo
(Riverside Ca USA)

She was built in 1901 -06 she is 67 ft on deck.

The boat is not mine, she was pulled out of the water about 2 years ago.

Only planks and deck were going to be replaced but after taking her apart we found that she was
in bad shape.

I've replaced all her frames 1 by 1 to keep her shape, all 104 of them.

We double planked her.

So far its taken about 340 pcs spiled and shaped to complete the hull and I still need the garboard planks.

I've replaced all deck beams ,new rudder new transom , well I guess every thing has been replaced with the same kind of wood or better.

So far I am working on the house and center board.

I started working on this boat knowing nothing about boats, Ive worked on it alone and had help once in a while.

I have a very good teacher who explains to me how to do it, and he's a master on boats.

There's so much that I can write about the boat but I can tell you this, that it has been a great learning experience for me and I love it!

Comments for Lady Ada

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Mar 04, 2021
I was a deck hand pin head if you will at age 15 years old when I gotto sail to Catalina Island
by: Leonard Ilizaliturri

Back in 1983 to 87 working and sailing on Eddy Weienburgs navy Lady Ada, Eager and Diosa del Mar, how I remember ditching school just to become a pin head aboard those schooners.

Worked on all 3 schooners those years.

Jan 27, 2021
The Lady Ada
by: Susan Claar

My mother learned to sail on the Lady Ada when she was 16, back in 1940.

Her boyfriend, Richard O'Neils family owned it then.
The family was from Piedmont, Ca.

She is recently deceased, but she had fond memories! She said that at the time it was the largest sailing vessel on the bay.

Aug 07, 2016
I Sailed on the Sallee in 1965-1966
by: Ken Garrison

Nate was captain.

I had been a crew member on the brigantine Iron Cross (now re-named the Rendezvous again, I believe) for two years, sailing charters with Captain Ed and First Mate Doug from San Pedro out around Santa Catalina and the Channel Islands.

Both the Iron Cross and the Sallee were moored in front of the Port-o-Call restaurant in San Pedro.

Nate asked me to crew on the Sallee for the Newport-to-Ensenada race.

I did for two years in a row 1965 and 1966

I have great memories of those races.

Maybe I can make them into an intelligible story.

The second race we placed 3rd in the Ocean Racing class.

That looks like me third from the left in that photo showing a bunch of people at a table by a cerveza sign.

I think that was taken in Ensenada after one of the races.

We were on a run with the spinnaker up coming toward Ensenada from the NW.

We had reached way the hell and gone to the West from Newport, then come on a run toward Ensenada.

We came abreast of a cape north of Ensenada hit a headwind which collapsed the spinnaker.

The sail began sliding under the keel.

Helmsman was half asleep and confused.

Nate was below but came on top right away.

Me and another crewman were out on the bowsprit hauling at the foot of the spinnaker.

Nate brought her about and we finally managed to haul in most of the sail.

As she came about the wind filled the spinnaker again and she popped out full.

I was stretched between the flying jib stay in my left hand and the foot of the spinnaker in my right, I held both handholds tightly!
The sea was luminescent below.

I have some old photos, color, from 1965-66.

Ken Garrison
Mosquero, NM

Feb 12, 2016
Married on the Lady Ada Feb 12, 1982
by: Gary Hart

Lee Ann and I were married on the Lady Ada on 12 Feb, 1982.

What a beautiful day on a beautiful boat.

We look forward to seeing her back in the water!!!

Sep 09, 2015
Great Pic
by: Capt Jim OBrien


The picture you posted is neat!

Any idea what year?

Looks like the early years (50's) the San Diego to Ensenada Yacht race.

I never seen Nate and Lew look so young.

I don't see Eddie Weinberg in pic?

The others look like the crew of Schooner "Good Will".

I knew your dad in 69 early 70's.

Lew was a great guy.

I lived and crewed on the Diosa Del Mar in front of Sallee Ports O Call restaurant.

At the time I was USCG stationed at Terminal Island, I would take a boston whaler to work.

Lew was skipper of the schooner Sallee (owner Dr Daniels) I sailed many times with him on Sallee, Diosa Del Mar, and the Highland Light.

Nate had a Kettenberg 50 we used to sail also.

Lew loved his BEER as did all of us.

I was out to sea when Lew passed, I heard he took a bad fall hit his head.

Many great times with your dad, Nate and Ed.

I ended up following in their foot steps (can you imagine growing up with mentors like that WOW!).

I ended up buying a schooner and going down the same path.

Nate had a firewood and pet food supply in Hollywood, I wonder if his son still has the biz?

I am now living in SE Asia.

I notice your email address pro tack; like horses?

I ill try dig up more pics for you.

Capt Jim OBrien

Aug 22, 2014
Diosa Del Mar
by: Shannon

I found a picture.

Is this Eddie Weinberger

Others in the picture Lew Burk, my Dad, Nate and Jane Gorrin my aunt and uncle, Jeanine Burk my stepmom, John Delong and I do not know the others.

Aug 22, 2014
Diosa Del Mar
by: Shannon Burk (Spiegel)

I believe that my dad once was the captain of the Diosa Del Mar.

His name was Lew Burk does any body remember that?

Also was the Diosa Del Mar ever called the Sallle once docked in front of the ports of call restraunt in san Pedro?

Would love to hear from anybody that remembers.

I grew up hanging out on that boat.



Oct 09, 2012
Lady Ada owner by: Sandra Prangley

Hi Sandra,

Yes, this is the LADY ADA owned by Isador Zellerback.

I was quite excited to read that your
Grandfather was the captain who sailed Her to
San Francisco for Mr. Zellerback.

What was your Grandfather's name?

This is the farthest back we've been able to discover as a real contact to the LADY thus far.

We hope to eventually make contact with the Zellerback family.

We would definatly enjoy hearing your family's recollections of that trip or any other memories of the LADY ADA.

Check out our website:

Thanks for your contact.

Oct 09, 2012
Lady Ada Once owned by Fontana's in S.F.

Yes you have found the link to the LADY ADA that your Great Grandfather owned.

Her registry of Documentation lists Richard G. and Roland D. Fontana as having purchased her from Isador Zellerback March 3, 1923.

We would be very interested in any memories, photos or stories that your family could share with us.

Lady Ada has been placed in a non-profit foundation and we are actively searching for information to add to her archives.

Please go to for more info and progress on her restoration.

You can contact Cynthia via the website.

Oct 09, 2012

Thought you might like to check out our website:

We will be adding much more so check back often.

Also would really enjoy hearing any memories or info.

You could share re: Lady's History.


Jul 14, 2012
by: Anonymous

She belonged to my popas dad Mr Fontan

May 27, 2012
by: dan mccue

My grandfather raced the Ada in the Farallon Races - where is she and are you interested in selling?

Dan Mccue 714 231 6036

Feb 22, 2012
Cap Eddie
by: Anonymous

To all of you who sailed with Captain Eddie.

I now have the pleasure of spending his last days with him.

He is still here at Newmarks.

I am sure there is someone out there who would like to see or speak to him.

He is not as barrel chested as he once was but he still has a lot of knowledge to share.

His birthday is March 6th of this year.

Saturday March 3rd we are having a barbeque here at Newmarks Yacht Center.

Please feel free to bring a dish and come and say hi.

I am sure he would love to see you and reminisce.

Starts at 1 pm Saturday March 3rd 2012

Dec 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

For info on Lady Ada's location, progress or possibility to view Cynthia @ 951-789-9750 or

Dec 07, 2011
Family of past owner. The Bell's
by: Anonymous

My name is Bruce Allan Bell My Phone number is 661 718 9671

My Grand Father was once her owner.

I would love to bring my boys out to see the grand old Lady who once was a big part of out family.

I also would love to tell you the story of how she housed one of the first V8 diesel engines ever in the USA.

Thanks Bruce Allan Bell 661 718 9671

Dec 07, 2011
Bruce Bell
by: Anonymous

My Family once owed her and she is a big part of our history.

Please contact me at 661 718 9671.

We all love her more than we can tell.

We are not a wealthy family but I will do any thing to keep our grand ship alive!

Nov 07, 2011
Lady Ada!
by: Robin

I was married on Lady Ada on April 3rd, 1982.

It was a wonderful ship and a great time!

The marriage did not work out, but it sure was a great wedding day!

Good luck to you with your restoration.

Oct 12, 2011
Lady Ada Wedding
by: Marianne

We were married aboard the Lady Ada on Sept. 15, 1984!!!!

It was a wonderful ship and a wonderful day!

Sep 16, 2011
Lady Ada & Lester Stone
by: Capt Jim O'Brien

The Lady Ada is a fine ship!

Tall Boy did lots of good work on her!

In fact he did quite a good job replacing the entire teak deck, carlins etc.on my Yonder.

When I was discharged from active duty USCG 71 I lived on Diosa del Mar with Eddie Weinberg and Tiny (Dwight)Merringer It was quite an experience at 21 yrs old, now at 62 it seems like yesterday but where did the time go! .

There were Some fine sailing vessels in the area Tony Manana's Ex- Navy Acadamey's 61' Cutter Highland Light (held the Bermuda Cup race record for 18yrs)/ Dr Daniels 70' Schooner Salee.

We put the rails in the water on all of them!

And also drank enough beer to float all of them!

In early 72'we traveled up to Lester Stones yard in SF, Eddie, Tiny and myself to research Diosa 's past.

I was getting ready to submit my drawings for Diosa's USCG inspection for COI.

The yard property owners allowed us into yard and office full on!

It was the chance of a lifetime!

When we entered it was like entering a time machine into the past.

Dust was everywhere but it looked just like they were building the day before and the master himself had just gone home for the night.

At his drafting table stood a lone coffee cup and many sets of plans for old Stone built yachts.

The office shelves filled with old dusty books ,Rudder Yacht magzines.

Wow I'm getting chicken skin just thinking back!

Well just wanted to say that its great to see a Stone built boat getting what she deserves! NUF SAID!!

Moved from Hawaii now living in SE Asia I have some empty slips in my marina come and visit soon! email

Jul 14, 2011
Lady Ada Once Owned by Fontana's in SF?
by: Anonymous

I have been looking for the Lady great Grandfather, Marco Fontana, owned a schooner of the same description and time.

I have trophies from 1920's won by Marco's son, Roland, and others won by his sons (my father).

They kept her at the Corinthian Yacht Club.

The last time we were aboard Lady Ada was out of "Ports o' Call" in Southern Calif where she was rentable by the day for tours.

My dad and uncle were thrilled to be back aboard her, only they said the ship had been redesigned in the keel and had lost the speed she used to have when they used to race her in the San Francisco regatta's....

Please let me know if she has been found!

May 31, 2011
Grandson of one of her owners
by: Bruce Bell

My grand father Guy A Bell owened her long before Cap Eddie.

I sure would love to talk to you about the work you are doing.

Bruce Allan Bell 661 718 9671 or

Jan 08, 2011
Lady Ada owner
by: Sandra Prangley

Is this the Lady Ada that was owned by Isadore Zellerbach. If so, my grandfather, was the captain who sailed it to San Francisco for Mr Zellerbach.

I have a gravy bowl that was on the Lady Ada.

Nov 26, 2010
how to reachme
by: samo

anyone can reach me at

Nov 26, 2010
keep in touch
by: sambo

there is a site you can see pictures at and just search for lady ada

Feb 22, 2010
Lady Ada
by: Mike


Mike from DIY Wood Boat here,

I'm afraid that Samo didn?t leave an email address or any contact details so, I cannot pass on any messages.

I too would love to hear from him again, so if anyone out there is in contact with him, please ask him to get in touch.


Feb 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

I love Lady Ada please email me I would love to see how she is looking at I would love to talk to you about Lady Ada. Please send me a photo of her.

lADY ADA ust to be docked at Newmarks

Dec 26, 2009
Weinburg Navy Days
by: Shawn Robertson (Peir)

I heard several years ago from Eddie that she was going to be moved to riverside for a total makeover.

Just wondering how I might be able to take a look as I am in San Diego. any one know?

I crewed for Eddie back in the 80,s and 90,s and even attempted the world cruise with him.

It sure would be nice to see the Lady Ada Again.

I was able to track the down The Ranger in Costa Rica but have not made contact as of yet.

She will turn 100 in 4 years and the Diosa Del Mar Rest in Peace!

She was my favorite of the three.

The Magic Schooner!

Well it would be nice to hear back from some one.


E-Mail Almecon1 (at)

Sep 24, 2009
by: samo

Lady Ada is a schooner.

She was built by and designed by Stone at Stone yard in San Francisco.

She has a lot of history and a sister ship named Martha which I believe is Portstown, Washington.

I have pictures from when I started restoring her but I need to download them onto a computer.

She is a very beautiful boat as she stands now.

I will try to put some pics up to show how gorgeous she is!

Sep 24, 2009
Lady Ada
by: Mike

Wow Samo you've been busy!

The Lady Ada sounds to be quite a boat.

Well done, and keep up the good work.

I would love to here more about her and the work you have done.

What type of boat is she and have you any photographs?


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