
by Tom Martin

"Dither" is one of 6 remaining Yorkshire One Designs from the original fleet built in 1898.

She is designed to take on short, north seas.

I found her adjacent to a golf course, and she had been out of the water for some years.

Her owner did not want to enter the "arms race" of restoration to allow her to become competitive once again - a number of the fleet have had makeovers!

She had been in his family for over 70 years, and I promised him she was going to a good home.

Nonetheless, there was some emotion as her trailer was coaxed into life, and fortunately there were no Police witnesses!

I can't really claim to own her, I feel I am her custodian.

Restoration starts next week, and as her current sugar daddy I want to thank you for this fantastic resource - I look forward to contributing discoveries of my own.

The challenge is to have her back in the fleet in 10 months time, and then to enter her for some of the Classic regattas.

There is considerable interest in getting all 6 remaining originals (out of 8) on the water, and 5 "Captains" are up for this.

More news when I have it,


Comments for Ditherumpop

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Aug 29, 2016
YOD Half Model
by: G.S.Fillingham

I have had a genuine half model hung in my office for over 50 yrs.

If you are interested in a purchase to go with Ditherumpop I can be contacted on stanfil66@gmail.com.

Jul 31, 2010
Resoration complete : Ditherumpop is back in the water on August 4th
by: Tom Martin

Ditherumpop has responded well to major surgery at the skilled hands of Joe , Dave and Jake @ (http://draughtsmanyachts.com/index.html) Draughtsman Yachts.

She rejoins the Yorkshire One Design Fleet in time for the Regatta at the RYYC.

I saw her last night in the Yard, and she is almost ready to go : I was speechless , and despite having been a regular visitor to review exactly where the cash was going I was still "blown away" by what Joe and the team have acheived.

I just hope I can do a half decent job at the helm, and it is a shame that I shall be so far behind the rest of the fleet that they wont see her wonderfully restored lines.

Ditherumpop is 112 years old this year, and I reckon deserves a Birthday Party on Weds 4th : the "Party Post" may be a few days late due to excessive celebration at her return to the fleet.

Thanks Joe, you are a woodmeister, and have a real soul for these grand old ladies : I am very grateful, and just a tad excited at the thought of finally getting on the water.


Jan 27, 2010
by: Strongarm

I was one of many of those delighted to learn that you had succeeded in buying Ditherumpop as I can well understand the previous owners reluctance to sell her.

Having re-decked 'Yilt' myself 4 or 5 years ago (see Classic Boat March 2007), AND 'IOLANTHE' over 30 years ago, I wish you every success with your project.

Coincidentally I have to take my motorcycle to Grimsaby tomorrow for service and intend calling in to see Joe, which I shall definitely do, just to make sure he is making a proper job of Dither.

Only joking - he is an exceptionally talented young man.

Good luck Tom and well done

Jan 13, 2010
Dither's recovery.
by: Mike

Glad to hear thatDitherumpop is responding well to your loving care.

I hope 'Tiny Tim' has recovered form his sterling work up the chimney.

Reading you update and watching the snow fall out side has just reminded me of the classic poem;

Tiny Tim stood in the court yard,
And the sky was full of sleet,
His eyes were full of tears,
And his shoes were full of feet.

Jan 13, 2010
Ditherumpop update..
by: Tom Martin

She lives...almost !

Ditherumpop is responding well to intensive care - the brief to Joe Irving i/c restoration is for her to be Safe, Stiff and Class Legal : that is all !

New ring beams have been laminated in to secure the mast and share the loads on the chain plates, and all this was achieved with the deck still on ...a very small lad lived under the cuddy for the best part of a week to do this, so the restoration is truly Victorian in every respect.

I shall have some photos shortly, and am heading off to the Boatshow to score yet more fittings and to design a neat mainsheet solution. Others go for a cross cockpit design, and one boat now has a bespoke crafted Barney Post - I intend to save £,000's, and up to 10kg in weight by having a dinghy style continuous mainsheet running through two shackles on each stern quarter. Hope it catches on.

This post is in respect of those who have commented so far, and there will be more soon, meanwhile a May launch is still on the cards,

Happy New Year,

Aug 14, 2009
Used to see Ditherumpop 45yrs ago
by: John

I loved seeing the boats in Bridlington harbour on childhood summer holidays and looked out for Ditherumpop every year because of the fascinating name and because she was such a pretty boat.

I never imagined them that I would ever set foot on a yacht myself.

Great to hear she is still afloat!

Jul 24, 2009
by: Mike

Hello Tom,

I remember seeing one of these YODs in Bridlington harbour many, many years ago.

They are a truly lovely thing to behold.

I take my hat off to you for rescuing this one.

I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on and seeing some photos of her.

All the best with your project,


PS. I recon you should be given honorary life membership of the RYYC for you efforts.

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