A Grampian 23, sadly not wooden. . . .

by Tom
(Meaford, Ontairo, Canada)

I am the proud 3rd owner of a Grampian 23.

Sadly, not so nice as any old wooden boat.

But still my first.

My boat has been let go some before I came along.

I hope to gut it this winter.

Any sugestions on improvments as I put it back together?

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Dec 13, 2009
Grampian 23
by: Mike

Hi Tom,

"Sadly not an old wooden boat but a Grampian 23."

Don?t worry about it Tom, even the most diehard wooden boater has probably had a plastic boat at some time, I have.

And I believe the Grampian is quite a popular boat in Canada, so she should be an ideal starter boat.

As for suggestions on improving her, my advice for what its worth is concentrate on tidying her up and getting her back in the water and in sailing trim.

It all depends on how much time you have to work on her, if you get too ambitious about improvements they can take a lot of time.

So I would suggest you concentrate on making her safe and seaworthy, check the rigging etc, get her into the water as soon as possible then enjoy sailing her.

Once you have enjoyed her for a season you will have a better idea of how to improve her to suit your own sailing preferences.

However, if there is anything specific you want some advice on please come back and ask anytime.


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