by Shon

I found this schooner on line about 15 years ago for sale in Florida for MUCH more money than I could ever consider but It was beautiful, it sparked many nights of "dreaming" about distant shores & warm water.

Fast forward to 2009.

I'm still dreaming but now I have a new goal.

I'll be RETIRING in just a few months.

The call of the water is constantly on my mind & in fact looks like it could actually happen!

So I'm surfing the web still looking for the "right boat" & there is "the schooner"!!

It's for sale again & now it's even within my reach.

Well not quite, I'm in Sterling NY & it's in Panama City FL of all places.

It was built there & apparently never got to roam, such a shame!!

Anyway I know some people down that way how just happen to be Boat NUTS Too!!

Several emails later & they are looking "my boat" over & recommending that the deposit be paid ASAP.

"Shon, you'll love it. It doesn't need much, just some paint & elbow grease" !! GOOD BY $$$.

Feb. 2010 rolls around & I'm on the road tp Panama & my "new home”.

Glasses on, money in hand, HOPE in the air!

After a walk through we shake hands & she is MINE!

I should have smelled the RAT but my head was still in my A-- & the glasses still had Rose lenses on them.

OH-well, it's only money right??

I spend a couple of hours digging around & finding stuff that has been stowed for years from the looks of it.

Food, Oh Yea I still need to eat don't I?

Off to the store & upon my return it's just starting to rain so I duck inside my new home & settle down for the evening.

Long drive down & a LONG story so I'm off to bed.

3AM & I'm WET!!

Hey wait, I'm in my BUNK not sleeping on deck!!

So, this is where everything goes to HELL!!

I'm now on deck but one of my feet is dangling about 2 inches above my now soaked pillow!!

You guessed it, I put my foot right through the deck!

Yes, I now have removed my glasses & Wooden Boat ownership has set in!!!

Until Later: Shon

Comments for 1ST POST BIG DREAMS

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Apr 21, 2014
Cotton and goo...
by: April

Your soaked bunk brought back many memories.

When my boat Roon II was launched - out into the elements- she had been protected in a huge shop for 9 months, it rained much of that April of 2011.

I stayed on the boat as much needed to be done to prepare for her sail home.

I would muse over the "laser light show" at night as the deck was alive with rays of light from below deck.

When the rains started I was not so amused!

It is with great pride that I can say her decks are sound and do not leak!

She does not have a subdeck and I am always amazed that some cotton and goo will keep the water out.

Apr 19, 2014
Fairhaven, NY?
by: Alan DeForest


Been there a few times.

I sailed my lightning in Sodus and Little Sodus.

We tented and launched at the State Park once and did a pop up camper another time.

Stayed at the FairHaven Inn (?) A fisherman's Inn type of place.

It's been a fw years.

Also did a regatta on a J24 out of Sodus Bay.

It's a real neat place.

To rough on the lake? just slip into the bay.

Thais a great part of NY. I'm originally from Buffalo - lot of sailing there too.

Keep warm and hope the ice clears soon.


Apr 19, 2014
BIG SNOW here in Fair Haven!!
by: Shon

I saw a flock of Robins yesterday so SPRING is just around the corner & I'll be able to get started on my "Project"

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