Motor Cruiser.

by Robert Adshead
(Reading, Berkshire, UK)

Cleaning  up this superb motor cruiser.

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Apr 21, 2014
Bendy Wood
by: Mike

Hi Rob,
I've just been reading your comment on “Enola”.

I had to laugh, if I had a pound for every “you don’t want to do it like that” comment from some ‘know it all’ I’d be a rich man.

The trouble with most of them (they are a special breed) is that there is no point arguing with them.

They know best, even though they have probably never even owned a wooden boat.

As you say the only recourse is to keep with it and prove them wrong.

I had heard of type of wood that could be easily bent being used to make mast hoops.

I've just been having a search around and found this link that looks interesting

It certainly sounds to be ideal for curved trim but I can’t at the moment find any info on structural strength.

There is apparently a UK importer of the ‘Bendywood’ mentioned in the article

It certainly sounds interesting but I can’t help thinking that the process might affect the strength/elasticity of the wood, but then steaming does that, so…

Please let us know if you find out anymore,

Apr 21, 2014
Deck Cleaning
by: Robert

Hi Mike,
Yes it was looking more like a woodland floor than a boat deck with all the lichen on it! 

In answer to your question, I just used river water, a scraper and a scrubbing brush. 

I was careful to work across the grain with the brush rather than along it as I read going along the grain rips-out the softer part of Teak that exists inbetween harder ridges.

With the scrapper I used it like a cabinet scraper, pulling it towards me so as to avoid digging in.

Apr 21, 2014
Fore Deck
by: Mike

That fore deck has come up rather well considering how it looked before.

Did you use any particular technique, or was it just a case of plenty of ‘elbow grease’?

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