Mary T

by Bill
(Southern California)

I'm buiding a Welsford Houdini.

I had longed to build a wooden boat for many years but kids and work intervened.

Finally, at age 67 I decided that I had better get started if I ever hoped to realize my dream.

You can follow my progress at Bill's Houdini on Flicker

Comments for Mary T

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Nov 08, 2011
She's Finished, almost.
by: Anonymous

I put my boat in the water for the first time in September 2011.

She floated on her lines and performed well.

I still am working out some tweaks to the rigging and getting familiar with the rig.

Jul 01, 2010
Houdini clinker or glued lapstrake
by: Kevin

Has anyone ever thought about using a clinker or glued lapstrake method to build Houdini?

Just a thought, as I have read a number of people who have lamented their attempts to bend the bow cutouts in to place.

One blog comment even indicated that the craftsman cut the bow pieces into five or six individual pieces and applied multiple coats of epoxy to strengthen and make the bow more esthetically pleasing.

Any ideas out there?

Jun 15, 2010
Welsford Houdini Plans
by: Bill Rintala

Hi Kevin,

I don't think there are any real problems with the plans for the Houdini.
Moreover, the Welsford Builders group is a very helpful resource if questions do arise.
More often than not, John W, himself will respond to builders' questions within a matter of hours.

There are also a number of Houdini building blogs available on the net.

While I certainly would not try to talk you out of the Houdini, the only thing I would suggest before you order plans is look at the Pilgrim design.

Good luck with your build.

If I can be of help, you can contact me through the JW Builders web site.

Regards, Bill

Jun 15, 2010
I want to build a Houdini!
by: Kevin

I have read elsewhere on the internet that the John Welsford plans for Houdini are not as easy to understand through completion as one might hope.

Your boat is beautiful and the pictures are very helpful for an aspiring building on the east coast of the U.S.A. (New Jersey).

I have only worked on Houdini in my head, and am preparing to get started with the wood working (frames) this summer.

Any suggestions before I order the plans?

Best Wishes.

Keep us posted on your progress!

Mar 20, 2010
Very Nice Job.
by: Dave

An inspiration to the rest of us.

Mar 06, 2010
Welsford Houdini
by: Timmynocky

There is an old saying Bill; "you're only as old as the woman you feel".

Substitute the word 'boat' for 'woman' and you'll have plenty of time to enjoy her, the boat that is.

She really is looking smart, you're doing a splendid job.

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