Kudos on safety warnings

by Captmike001
(Olympia, WA, USA)

As a sufferer of a rare chronic, auto-immune condition.
I applaud you for your cautionary warnings.

Our bodies accumulate toxins over time.

The degree of risk maybe unknown.

Being careful of exposure is not only smart, it may save you from much long term illness.

I had to retire, early, on disability, and I was not particularly reckless in what I did or how I did things, but we all can be more careful.

I was an active, "boots on the ground" forester.

5 years ago I began experiencing some numbness and tingling at the perimete of my feet.

3 years ago, I could only walk with foot braces and a 2 wheel walker.

I am better now, but it's been a long road of recovery.

Life is short.

It's great to take calculated risks,but be sure to consider the long term costs.

Be safe.
Life Is Good!

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by: Cal

Captain Mike got you.

I could publish a book, let’s call it "Boots on the Ground".

I assume you like wood things like taping the tree before you cut it down.

The rings tell it all and what a great life hunting fishing fresh air.

I assumed wrong, the forest has its own way off protecting its self and toxins we were not told about like spores that can leave you in really bad shape and in the time we learn a plant that can leave you blind just buy brushing up against it.

Nature has always amassed me.

A friend of mine spent time studying sick giraffes, it took time but the end result was the tree just trying to survive, eat some of my foliage was OK but fence the area in, all the foliage is striped, the tree creates a toxin that kills the predator.

Then there’s the defoliants or should we call it the poison bible.

Hope all well with your health,


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