Is this $400 boat with a twist in the keel a bargain or firewood

by Ben
(Huntsville, TX)

I saw a boat, motor (that also needs some work) and trailer going for $400.

The boat definitely needs some work.

This would be my first boat project as well.

Most of the cosmetic stuff seems doable.

My main concern is the twist that is noticeable (I will try to include a picture).

Standing square to the transom, the front 1/2 to 1/3 of the boat is deviated to the right and a little clockwise.

I am sure that most anything is fixable with enough money and know-how, but how serious of a job would it be to straighten her out.

I didn't find any other problems that seemed insurmountable.

I didn't notice any rot (again I am a beginner), although it has just been stored on a trailer in a field in east Texas.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Comments for Is this $400 boat with a twist in the keel a bargain or firewood

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Jun 27, 2019
by: George raised on L.I.

I am a pro woodworker and unless that motor cranks (and your willing to part it out)


It's done man !

Unless someone want's to scribe original design for future build, if this were a Viking original ship, yeah, MAYBE

Aug 16, 2017
$400 boat with a twist
by: Dave S

1st things to consider:

- The mercury motor is old and not worth spending money on.

- Trailer: light weight old. One could buy a new one for ~$1,000. or less.

- The hull appears to be "lapstrake" with steam bent ribs, keelson and 2 hard stringers from the transom forward to about the front seat.

- The twist occurred over many years of being exposed to the elements, uncovered, & improperly no trailer or blocking.

Most likely the laps are deteriorated.

I have repaired many boats over the years. Lapstrakes are the hardest to correct since most of the strength is in the lap planks which are twisted.

It would be cheaper and less work to build a duplicate beside this one.

I would stay away from this one.

Dave S

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