I Will Give You my Little Ship!

by Jerrid Greenbaum
(La Paz, Mex)

This is what we're going to do.

I will GIVE you my little ship the "Salvation"!

It is a good boat, needs work.

First you have to help us fix her up and then crew with us to New Zealand on a year long sailing voyage through the South Pacific.

This would represent a 2 (more or less) year commitment from the right person or people.

Once we get to The Bay of Islands, New Zealand and after say being there for 3 to six months the title of Captain and the documentation of the "Salvation" will be yours.

There will be stipulations to be sorted out and mutually agreed to.

But, basically you will have:
1) helped saved a Wooden Boat
2) Have learned about all the systems and on board procedures, navigation, sea-person-ship, boat handling from a seasoned waterman/craftsman
3) sailed the South Pacific seeing some of the most amazing places and peoples
4) then own a recently refitted and seaworthy cruising World Sailing Vessel.

Please Share this as an open offer...even as a open challenge!

This is not about money.

I recently turned a young man onto a boat that needed a good home and he started a NPO, created a web-site and a purpose...I didn't entirely agree with this...manipulation but, he was resourceful and enthusiastic.

This is a waterperson challenge, I want to hear a good story, a good mission statement and an Ocean skill set.

Again, please help me make this go...can I use the term "Viral" here???

Please share!

Many Thanks,

Mx: 612-107-9067
LA: 310-766-3860

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