by Milton Zuluaga
(Colombia (South America))
Hello everybody,
I'm a wooden boat enthusiast, and have been studying a lot on the subject because my final goal as soon as I retire is to build a 32 footer and move there to live.
I worked on a couple of designs and actually built a scale model, which as far as I've tested has a good speed and stability.
My hull design is - as crazy as it may sound- a weird hull starting on a "V" bow and ending flat aft, having a pair of small rails between the keel and the "chine" one on each side(it is actually difficult to have a real chine because it goes from V to round then to flat).
The scale model handles beautifully straight, but I haven't tested it on turns because in that scale it is hard to squeeze the rudder.
What do you guys think are the odds of it handling turns?
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