Glassing an Antique Woodie Hull

by Scott
(Bristish Columbia, Canada)

I have a 36 footer with pickled engines that I am pulling.

I plan to pull all the below water hardware, fill the holes and glass her over adding outboards to the transom when finished.

She's going from salt water to fresh and so I need to remove the zincs and sandblast the hull before begining the process, but that is about as much as I know.

Anyone out there who's gone through this process?

Any advice on the process and products used, etc?



Comments for Glassing an Antique Woodie Hull

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Vaitses hull treatment
by: Anonymous

For what it's worth here's a second follow up on our Vaitses job completed in 2011 on a 38 foot Tancook schooner.

Totally Awesome as the kids say.

Slap a little paint on and go sailing!!

We used a minimum drop stuffing box (not dripless) and don't even have much issue with that- put a small catch pan under it and it never over fills.

We believe the boat is good for at least another 20 years.

A friend who watched our job just bought a little schooner that was done in the late 19080s- his still looks good too.

1982 42ft 1931 Scoponich Covered
by: Kevin

I used this method in 1982, it took 3 of us to cover, fair and Interthane.

Also replaced decks and engine from gas to diesel.

Threw in a vetus bow thruster 10 Years ago.

Have used yealy since then.

Have not had to do ANTTHING to the hull.

Varnish topsides each year.

It saved the boat and it looks Great!

I can be reached at for detailed info.

Glassing Old Boat Follow-up
by: Anonymous

This is a follow up to a previous comment using Vaitses method to preserve a 38 foot schooner.

We have some photos up at Facebook page for Schooner Sara B now undergoing the process.

Recently we encountered a Nova Scotia built schooner about her size that was done in 1989.

The boat is now on freshwater and appears to be doing just fine.

A listing for Tia Maria shows a sales price of 18000 and she did sell recently and we saw her on Lake Ontario last week all rigged up and looking good.

Two more forums an links to check out
by: Cajun


Here are two more forums to check out and review these links:


Be sure to read all the way through the links. There is much more negative than positive support for this idea for lots of good and bad reasons.


Allan Vaitses technique appears good
by: Anonymous


I'd check out Allan Vaites book, "Covering wooden hulls with fiberglass" before I did anything. The book is out of print but can be found on Amazon and several used book sellers, just google the title.

Also read this thread where it was done differently but still helpful

You'll have to join the forum to see the photos but it is easy and worth it.

I am looking at doing the same thing that Vaitses advises, so I will be doing more than the bottom.


38 Wooden Fiberglass Covering
by: Anonymous

So how did it go, did you finish glassing the antique 38' wooden boat?

glassing an old boat
by: Anonymous

You may already have an answer or answers to this quest.

We are glassing a 38 footer and are going with the Alan Vaitses method.

You can buy used copies of his book Covering Wooden Boats with Fiberglass at various Internet outlets.

He essentially builds a second glass hull around the old wooden hull using multiple laminations and physical fastenings..

Ask us in a year how well it worked...

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