Fillet repairs on a miracle dinghy

by Jeremy

I need to strengthen the transom on an old Miracle Dinghy I have acquired.

The current glass tape on the outside of the seams is quite brittle and is lifting at the edges so can be peeled away easily.

It has been overpainted of course.

Can I refix this or do I remove and replace?

I assume it will have to come off and be replaced.

The tape on the bottom seams overlaps so how do I stop these unpeeling if I do remove the transom tape?

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Apr 29, 2011
Miracle Tape Repairs
by: Mike

Your best bet is to replace it.

And if there is any hint that the bottom tapes will peel, replace them too.

The more you do now the less you will have to worry about later.

Applying new tape is easy, the most important bit is ensuring that you apply it to clean sound plywood.

And use a good quality Epoxy not polyester resin or any cheap car stuff.

The Miracle is a super dinghy, it is worth spending a bit of time and effort on her now, then you can look forward to years of fun sailing her.

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