Epoxy over Strip Plank

by Steve
(Danao City Cebu Philippines)

Hi to sailors all,

Am considering a 40' Yawl, about 30 years old ,totally stripped out.

The Hull seems solid and sound, previous owner oiled the interior and bilges regular and the outside was always kept in good repair paint wise.

Kawri Pine is the hull material.

Question, it has been suggested by the marina owner that I might consider pulling her out onto the hardstand, let her dry out and go over the outside with epoxy.

Now my only concern here is the "DRY OUT" bit.

Being from a wood background, I have seen what wood can do in its drying process and wetting process, to me the strip planking relies on being damp to maintain the integrity of joints, if it dries out and joints open a bit, then epoxy is covered then put back into the water, what's going to happen to the epoxy when the wood starts to expand with moisture again.

Any feed back would be appreciated.




SA IL ING (an explanation)

The gentle art of going nowhere really fast
While gitting really cold and wet
While spending large amounts of money

AARRGGHH gotta love it dont you :)

Comments for Epoxy over Strip Plank

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Mar 20, 2011
by: Steve

Thanks Mike for the advice, as suggested, I did have some concerns and you have just nailed it,


Mar 20, 2011
by: Mike

No, No, No,

I cannot imagine for one minute why anyone would suggest sheathing a perfectly sound wooden boat with epoxy.

And especially a boat built in Kauri Pine.

The reason why the wood from New Zealand's giant Kauri trees is so good for boat building is that it's dense fibres are choked with resin.

Kauri resins/gum have been used to make marine glue and as an ingredient in varnish.

I wouldn't say that epoxy is rubbish but its reputation has been vastly overrated (mainly by the manufacturer's advertising copy writers), especially for wooden boats.

And if you did decide to use it there are so many caveats governing its application.

The timber must be perfectly dry, perfectly free of any oil or grease, etc, etc.

I should follow the practices of her previous owner, he clearly knew better than your 'marina owner'.

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