Easy way to fix small leaks in a wooden skiff?

by Marcia

I'm doing research for a book and hoping you can help.

The characters need to do a quick fix on a few tiny leaks in their wooden 12' skiff.

They're 10 yrs old.

Would it make sense if they used just caulking and a putty knife?

Comments for Easy way to fix small leaks in a wooden skiff?

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Dec 11, 2014
Do it right
by: Paul

Use good marine grade wood and 3m Marine Adhesive / Sealent 5200 (read the instructions)

Dec 10, 2014
Bodging a Boat
by: Michael

Yea just caulking and a putty knife would work.

Ordinary linseed oil glazing putty has been traditionally used for caulking boats, abet with the addition of red led.

Is this story set in the present day?

And what sorts of materials would they have access to?

Bathroom sealant is something that perhaps more easily found in a modern home, that would work on a temporary basis.

There is a lovely excerpt in one of Arthur Ransome's stories where some boys use tar to 'waterproof' a boat, then subsequently leave tarry hand prints along the side of a shiny white cruiser that they bump into.

Dec 10, 2014
small leaks in a wooden
by: Anonymous

When I was 10 I would have tried bubblegum, but kids are more sophisticated today, more's the pity.

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