Easy way to anti-skid your painted deck.

by Ivan
(Rosewood Australia)

An easy way to anti-skid your painted deck, duck board etc.

Prepare and paint the area as recommended by the manufacturers, put down the last layer.

When dry mark off the area you want to anti-skid, make the design you want and drain lines if needed.

Once marked off, paint another layer over the area to be anti-skid, while wet sprinkle evenly course raw sugar over the wet paint, the courser the rougher it will make the anti skid.

Leave to dry.

When completely dry just wash the area and dissolve the sugar, the imprint of the sugar remains and gives you the anti-skid.

I have used it on the floors of dinghies, decks and on duck boards.

I imagine course salt would work similar, I have not tried it.

Practice your painting and sprinkling on waste first.

Comments for Easy way to anti-skid your painted deck.

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Easy anti-skid your painted deck.
by: John Sheen

A satisfactory solution I have always used for non slip is to paint the deck or area to be treated, in the usual way up to and including the gloss.

Mask off as suggested elsewhere and lightly rub down the proposed non slip areas.

Repaint with the gloss paint, but as you go shake BIRD SAND (the type they put in budgie cages) or SILVER SAND through a fine seive.

A pair of tights works excellently and gives a uniform grit.

Always keep the wet edge clear of the deposited sand otherwise it won't brush on smoothly.

The worst thing you can do is be brushing paint with sand in it.

You won't get a uniform finish.

The sand MUST BE DRY and it will soak up the paint leaving an attractive matte finish.

Brush off the surplus when the paint is dry.

I don't agree with painting over sand or sugared
decks, it rather defeats the object.

by: capt insane-o

I've used a similar procedure on my steps and engine room floor by spreading sand on the first coat of wet paint,then after it has dried sweep the excess clear and apply a second coat of paint.

This will last a long time on high traffic areas.

Anti-skid deck
by: Stuart Warden

Hi, I have also been advised to do something similar to this, but on the final layer to use river sand and salt/sugar.

When washing away, holes appear after dissolving the salt/sugar and the sand makes bumps.

This was suggested using a final layer of topcoat.

I will try in 2 months time after our raining season.

Let us know what you find!

by: Al DeForest

What a sweet idea!

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