Chance Along

by Kirby Salisbury
(Punta Gorda, Toledo)

“Chance Along” is a 33 ft. Culler-designed wooden schooner, owner built, launched 1988 and lived aboard.

Built from Caribbean pine over steam bent cabbage bark frames.

Then the cradle moved by hand winch over pipe rollers 'til she floated.

She has a shapely hull leaving little wake.

Comments for Chance Along

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May 31, 2021
Chance Along
by: Martha Sutherland

I’m happy to find Web postings which include your books and hope to read them.

"Chance Along" was my Google search as I was remembering a book and incident from my 1988 windjammer trip along Maine’s coast.

During our week-long cruise of about two dozen other passengers, a retired sea captain came aboard and spent the day regaling guests with his sea sailing stories.

Many times I’ve thought of his tale of "chance along" and his defining it as the sailors’ wait for adequate wind breezes which enabled the sails to move the ship along.

We bought a copy of his book which recorded events of his sailing period.

Regrettably, the book is in storage, and I don’t recall the title or writer’s name.

May 17, 2021
for sale ?
by: John O Duke

Not sure what this site is, is this vessel for sale ?

May 17, 2021
for sale ?
by: John O Duke

Not sure what this site is, is this vessel for sale ?

Sep 16, 2014
by: Harry

WoW , beautiful boat.

You must be proud.

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