Anchor with a Kellett

by TerryW

I have often added a small weight(7 to 10 lbs) to the beginning of the anchor chain where the rode attaches to the chain.

I have recently read on several web sites that the kellett (the weight) is useless and not necessary.

Do any of you ol'salts have an opinion?

It makes sense to me that it might help hold the rode down.

What say ye?

Comments for Anchor with a Kellett

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the weight added
by: Cal

Forty years at sea, small boats of eight ft up to seven hundred feet, it's all about the line out there.

Anchors on drill ships ordered from around the world.

Your best bet is to go with the sea anchor and the correct amount of line out for the rise and fall of tide efects all wind current and wear.

Keep your wit with you at all times stay clear of rocks they make for unwanted anchors.

Keep it simple.

Try to fore and aft.

Nothing like waking up on an island as the tide turns.

Happy boating,


Anchor Weight
by: Michael

'buddy', 'Chum' or simply 'anchor weight',
whatever you want to call it, has been on the cruising sailors list of 'must haves' for as long as sailors have been cruising.

If it is flat calm in the anchorage then it isn't necessary.

But if it starts to blow, or you are caught out on a lee shore and all your chain is out the extra weight will help overcome any lift exerted on the anchor.

Or if you are anchored in a crowded bay, it may not be possible to let out enough scope.

It will also help resist any sideways shearing by keeping more of the chain dragging across the bottom, help dampen any snubbing effect and help reduce the swinging circle.

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