43 foot Ed Monk motor yacht

by Rick Hartley
(Sandpoint, Idaho)

Hello, I am about to take on a job that I have no past experience at,..refitting a 1949 Ed monk 43 foot motor yacht.

The expense has me worried, but so far the most expensive thing seems to be a complete paint job on the hull.

Can you give me a ball park figure on what it might cost to paint this grand lady?

I'm sure I'll have plenty of other questions before I'm done,..you see, I'm doing this yacht by myself.

Thanks for the website,..it matters more then you'll ever know.

More about Rick, Valerie and the "Orphan Jewel"

Comments for 43 foot Ed Monk motor yacht

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Dec 30, 2017
Updates. ?? 12/30/17
by: Ned L

I am curious where things stand with your Monk, and if there have been any recent updates?

It does look like she may need a proper refastening at least below the waterline.

Best of luck to you.

I am well aware of the path in front of you as I just recently completed the rebuild of my own 33 ft 1957 NJ built Jersey sea skiff.


Jun 14, 2016
I have a place
by: Anonymous

I'm a boat mechanic I Fix boat wood too I really need to know the condition of this boat please send me some pictures in here ok thanks.

Jun 14, 2016
1949 43' ed monk motor yacht
by: Anonymous

Can you please tell me the size of it and what kind of trailer need to be used how wide does it need to be.

Jun 14, 2016
1949 43' ed monk motor yacht
by: Anonymous

What is the history of what have you done with it can it go to the lake?

Jun 02, 2016
News on your boat
by: Dawn

Rick I would seriously like you to contact me asap at 208 263 1167
I have sent certified mail, email telephone calls, we need to talk thanks.

Jan 07, 2016
boat overhaul
by: Anonymous

The paint job should be the least of your problems.

The boat should be surveyed and the wood checked.

You may need to replace some wood.

I strongly suggest a qualified boatyard.

The next issue would be the power plant.

Have the motor or motors overhauled.

Towing charges for a boat this big can be quite expensive.

Nov 20, 2015
Better news
by: Rick

Well, I managed to set a deal with Haggadone Marine in Coeur d Alene, and We're going to let her dry out until September then Talk about how much he would charge me to do her hull as professionally as it can be done.

Then if I have to move her again, (goal,..The Dalles as a liveaboard)to finish up the cabin.

I've been covering everything I can find on Ed Monk and so far The Orphan Jewel has a larger dinning area thaen most everything else he designed that year.

Amazing, he still left room in the stern for a head and a set of raised bunks.

I'm not at all sure what it should cost me to refit her hull, but I do know that this is probably the safest way of going about it,..considering we're trying to retire on her.

Everyone one here has been a lot of support and encouragement,....thank you.

I still have a lot of questions, but they'll wait until I can get a better idea of cost.

I just want to take it any father then forty miles before she can rest again, and they said they would work with me.

Happy holidays everyone, I hope all of next year is clear and adventurous for all of you,..be safe,

Nov 09, 2015
First sign of trouble
by: Rick

Good morning folks.

I was recently told by the storage company where The Orphan Jewel is residing, that not only can I NOT refit her where she is sitting, but as well, I have to remove her altogether.

No the past owner knew nothing about this before we made our deal, and because of that, I was giving six months to find a way to accomplish this, because the winter can be really bad in Sandpoint, Idaho.

Yeah I know what a mess.

My lawyer has stated that she is in breech of contract because there is nothing on the original contract about this, and the past owner is so upset, that he's moving all his other things out of there, but I am still stuck trying to find a place for her to go somewhere in the Spokane Washington area.

My question here is;
Does anyone know of a Ed Monk Historical society anywhere in Washington State, so that I might have a chance to save her before I end up eating the bad side of this deal,..or does anyone on here live in the Spokane? Coeur d Alene, Idaho area, and can offer me a place to work on her?

I have only begun to start calling marinas in the area, but so far, they are unwilling to do this, because they want me to have them refit her, and I can not afford this.

Please respond as soon as possible,...thank you

Nov 03, 2015
Thanks Dave
by: Rick H

Your right about the plank replacement below the water line, the plank on the port side of the keel seems to have ripped away from the ribs, and the ones just below the water line have way to many screws in each rib.

I don't think she has ever been refitted before, it certainly doesn't look like it, but I'm sure others have been surprised at the amount of " oh, just patch it, and let's get to the lake" attitude that some owners have followed through the years.

I spent the morning trying to do a rough estimate of how much everything will cost to refit just the hull, and I must say, for the return on either my investment, or enjoyment from years of use,..really do look like they far exceed any amount of trouble and hard work I'll have to go through.

I didn't know there was that much of a difference in the price of rough cut, as apposed finished hard wood,..so I have no choice but to put you on my Christmas list, and hopefully have a chance to buy you and yours lunch one day,....small price to pay considering all the help.

As well thank you for the well wishing when it comes to LUCK,..it looks like I'm going to need more of that then slick seal.

However, there are some things in our favor,
We are alright with our living arrangements,(400 a month) and we don't have to finish her for ten years, if we have to take the time.

Yes I know, the man who owns the storage could die( God forbid) and then there goes the storage.

So I'm not going to waste any time, but I can't help but notice more then one wood yacht has been put out before it was ready,...details, always in the details.

As I have said before, it is most sincerely a labor of love.

Have you ever been to Northern Idaho?

The "Orphan Jewel" is going to give me a retirement most men would be jealous about.

I finally get the chance to find that record breaking lake trout!!

Clear skies are my wish for you sir.

ope you have a lot of them.

Nov 03, 2015
43' Ed Monk
by: Dave S

This is truly a project of love. It's a (displacement hull) most likely constructed of 5/4 mahogany carvel planking over steamed ribs.

Before you consider painting;
- strip off all that is covering the planking
- observe the quality of wood beneath.

Are the ribs and planks are solid? You may need to replace planks (at least below the waterline) since, the photos show too much gap between the planks. This indicates wood fiber deterioration.

Mahogany (5/4) comes in rough cut 6-11" X 8-16' lengths. It could cost ~$60.00 for 11" X 16' - much less than planed stock. Get access to a surface planer. It will cut your expenses a lot.

As for paint? Use Inter-lux bottom paint to your color choice below the waterline, and deck-topside white above the waterline.

Good luck!

Nov 02, 2015
Heartfelt Thank You
by: Anonymous

Mike your awesome!

Thank you so much for taking pity on someone that has probably already been pushing your bottom over the amount of time it took to see my comments on here.

I'm very sorry about that, and it won't happen again.

Surprisingly enough, there is almost nothing wrong with the interior!

All of the mahogany inside is dusty, but nothing else.

The past owner already replaced the wiring, plumbing and the navigational equipment.

After the hull, I'm left with little more than sanding and varnishing the outside of the cabin.

This beautiful young man(Rob) was actually stubborn as a bull about not selling her for yard art, or some other silly idea,..he wanted to see her back to her former beautiful self.

The yard she is sitting in has been more then workable since Rob brought her on to the property six years ago, and they have already told me that as long as I pay that 30 dollars a month, they don't care how long she's there, and your right about the community, they are more then excited about seeing an old landmark of the city, become viable again.

I thank you for the tips.

I haven't talked to the marina in Sandpoint yet, but I will go there when I go back up, and I never would have thought of garage sales,(silly me) your advice will be followed very closely.

Take your time posting this, I know your busy.

Talk to you soon.

Nov 02, 2015
Initial Strategy
by: Michael

Hi Rick,

It’s always difficult to give an estimate for a restoration as it depends on what needs doing.

But one of the beauties of building or in your case restoring a boat yourself is that the materials you need can be acquired as you can afford them, as you go along.

Something else I found out when restoring my present boat, is that when folk realised that I was serious about rebuilding her I began to get various offers.

One day someone asked if I wanted some hardwood off cuts, he was moving house and needed to clear out his garage, he didn’t want anything for the wood, he just wanted it out of the way.

I came away with a car full of teak, mahogany and other pieces all for free.

Someone else in the yard who was just finishing a restoration sold me his surplus lumber for a pittance.

The poles I used to erect a ‘tent’ over her came from him too, and I passed them on to someone else when I’d finished with them.

And there were numerous other instances when people around the boat yard would come to me offering their spare bits and pieces for a nominal price.

Don’t forget to keep any eye out for garage sales, reclamation yards and other sources of surplus stock.

It sounds as though you don’t need this piece of advice but I’ll give it anyway.

Concentrate on the outside of her to start with, the hull and superstructure etc.

I’ve seen too many instances where someone has spent a lot of time and money on the inside, the fitting out, while the hull has been slowly deteriorating around them.

So, your initial strategy should be to strip off all the old paint, then you can see what state the planking is in.

Check and if necessary replace any ribs/frames.

In the photographs it looks like she could do with the caulking raking out too.

Then prime the hull before re-caulking.

Then undercoating, top coating etc.

As for her ‘taking up’ when she goes back in the water, worry about that when the time comes, for now take it one step at a time.

Nov 01, 2015
thank you
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure if you got my first message, but my computer is messing up.

A 43 foot yacht doesn't intimidate me, but this computer sure does the job.

Your response is a lot kinder then I expected considering my first post.

I have heard that I should expect leaking when she first goes in, but that is about the only help I have received from this silly internet so far.

Your advice to make slick seam my friend will be followed to the letter.

Everything else I could use, is still part of my search.

How much does it cost to replace planks?

What kind of paint can I use on the hull above the water line?

How many coats of paint above, and below the water line?

When a plank breaks loose from it's fasteners, can I fix it, or should I replace it?

Believe me the list goes on.

I can't believe that I got lucky enough to receive this kind of help,..again thank you, and yes, it is a labor of love,..love for my wife, because if I can finish this, my wife will have something that will pay for a lot of a safety net when I finally pass away.

She is everything to me, and I'll be dam*ed if I'll leave her with nothing but a broken heart.

If I dare say so,..smooth sailing friend.

Nov 01, 2015
Hey guys
by: Anonymous

Thank you for answering respectfully, I was expecting to be labeled foolish.

I have checked the rabbit through out, and the keel is looking great.

The ribs might need a little help, but for the most part, only a few planks need replaced and the sealed and painted.

I'm not at all sure how much the plankton will cost, but considering we only have 4 grand wrapped up into this project so far,..I do have a lot of lead way here.

For the most part, it has just been dry docked to long.

I thank you for the advice, it will be used, and hopefully I can continue to receive answers in the same timely manner.

Nov 01, 2015
43 foot Ed Monk motor yacht
by: Anonymous

Your project must be a labor of love but before you do anything,since this is a woodie, better check for wood rot both inside and out.

I own a 1985 TOLLYCRAFT designed by Ed Monk Monks son, it's a great fiberglass boat.

Ed Monk, a navel architect designed yours.

Once the integrity of the hull has been confirmed, you can can consider moving forward as fast as your checkbook will allow


Nov 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

The seems will likely be the most time consuming part and it will still.leak like crazy when put in for about an hour.. slick seem is your friend...

I went threw that on my 43ft Egg harbor..

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